Corporate Services
Why should employers promote a plant-based diet in the workplace?
Click here for the insights!
For prices on any of the below services or a quote for a combination of services please enquire here.
Recipe Subscription
Provide your employees with easy to follow high protein plant-based recipes and help them reduce their carbon footprint from food by up to 73% (University of Oxford).
Over 40 High Protein Vegan Recipes
10 New Recipes Added Monthly
Written Ingredients
Step by Step Methods
Calories & Macros Included for your Fitness Goals
All Accessed from the Mobile Members App
Option to integrate the recipes onto your system
App-Based Training Programmes
Physical Activity is a key driver of a healthy lifestyle, and while a gym membership is beneficial - Better found 57% of people don't feel confident or have the time to make use of the gym. Provide your employees a structured programme and time efficient workouts to improve their wellbeing. Your employees will have access to:
The latest technology training app
A goal specific training programme
Home or gym-based workouts
Tutorial videos for each exercise
The fundamentals of nutrition manual
Weekly accountability messaging prompts
Virtual Cookalong
Virtual cookalong's are available to book. All recipes are 100% plant-based and easy to make. Fun and engaging, perfect for team building during or after a workday. ​
Typically 60 - 90 minutes per session.
Up to 20 people per session to keep it engaging.
Ingredients list provided before the session.
Full written recipe provided after the session.
One-off or recurring monthly sessions are available to book.